The Beauty in Life

Club Classics

Hilarious people watching truly. He said come to the party and I brought my friend with me. It was invite only and in the back room speakeasy of a fancy restaurant that my ex boyfriend once had a temper tantrum at because it was too expensive and our table was in the back. We had to fill out an online form and say who invited us, it took itself pretty damn seriously. Before we went we were at another bar talking to this guy on the patio, he was there by himself and works as a video game programmer so we talked about games and cartoons with him. I think he was confused as to why these girls at the bar were talking about Peter Griffin and Fortnight along with perfumes and drugs and other ā€œgirl topicsā€. Anyways so we pull up to the club (looking like a drowned harassed rat!! IYKYK) and itā€™s all the hottest women Iā€™ve ever seen all in one place. Seriously I did not know this many 10s even lived in my city, we arenā€™t known for baddies but damn they came outta the woodwork for this event. Iā€™ve been to modeling castings that were less intimidating, so safe to say I was fangirling hard. If I was a man I probably would have just left out of respect. There were some very hot men too including Twenty Times but they were mostly there with women. I saw one guy who was ridiculously handsome and he saw me looking and put his hand on the top of my ass as he walked by (thank you). But he was with a girl, a blond model who looks like a Barbie doll and she somehow also touched my ass as she walked by, literally gave it a couple pats and I turned around and we smiled at each other. I said to my friend, I donā€™t know if she was saying she hates me or that we should have a threesome, either way Iā€™m down. When we go to the club we wanna hear those club classics, like the classic of accepting that we will never be the coolest people there and that we should just make the most of it. Itā€™s so much more fun when you arenā€™t trying to impress people, in a place like that itā€™s too hard and itā€™s what every one else is doing so maybe the real prize was the friends we made along the way. By friends along the way I mean the story and then also the friendlier hotties that we talked to and smoked with. Anyways, life is beautiful and I may have gotten invited to that purely because Iā€™m becoming a local bop but I will not forget how fine the girls were, I will think of them on my deathbed. XO!