The Beauty in Life


I have written so much over the past couple weeks, much of which I cannot put on the internet (lol). These are some smaller pieces of things I’ve written/takes/jokes/thoughts.

Karma karma is coming To collect you. I feel guilty But then I remember all you’ve done And I feel less guilty. I’m going against everything you ever said, How does that feel? It feels great, thanks for asking. “Guess I got what I deserved”, Baby Blue.

Older men talking about how hot their wives are, and wives who are their age, I love it. I overheard grandpas at the gym bragging to each other about their wives and it restored some of my faith in men.

Hot take on eugenics Terrible dudes are all out here spouting eugenics until they realize that their own bloodlines won’t be continued because they treat others terribly and women don’t want to be around him. So it’s cool to impose restrictions on birth rates for other people but you’re entitled to a baby momma despite your terrible attitude. You are your own force of eugenics if you suck and refuse to improve. If women having more rights makes it so they aren’t forced to reproduce with you and they then choose not to, that is in fact a you problem and not a moral failing on their part. Xoxo